Wednesday 23rd September 2020
FREE Listings for Companies
Liquidfeet will be providing a complimentary portal to companies wishing to advertise vacancies during while the...
Friday 11th September 2020
Sell the qualifications you have, and say you look forward to the honing your skills and getting trained, and growing...
Tuesday 8th September 2020
Find jobs to apply for that fit your skill-set and interests, rather than trying to fit skills and yourself to...
Monday 7th September 2020
Make a list of work-related skills you'd like to learn.
Your employer will be interested in hearing about how you...
Friday 4th September 2020
Prepare for the job interview
Develop your "elevator pitch" Many structured interviews, particularly those at large companies, start with a...
Tuesday 1st September 2020
Revise your resume
Before you start job hunting, make sure that your resume is as complete and up-to-date as possible.